Our prices

Green route 40 min

ATV - 800 UAH

Buggy - 1200 UAH

Red route 60 min

ATV - 1300 UAH

Buggy - 1700 UAH

Blue route 80 min

ATV - 1600 UAH

Buggy - 2200 UAH

Black route 100 min

ATV - 2000 UAH

Buggy - 2600 UAH

Passenger +200 UAH

The total weight of the quad bike driver and passenger must not exceed 150kg.

The specified duration of the trip is the average time of direct movement on ATVs. Therefore, before the main time, when planning an adventure, you must take into account + 20 minutes to change into camouflage and instruction, breaks during the trip for a photo for memory, and time to undress and rest from the emotions inflicted on you.
Of course, you don't have to pay anything extra for this time.

Comprehensive rest

We have prepared a separate offer for corporate parties, birthday celebrations, or just a holiday with friends for the whole day. When ordering both Paintball and ATVs in one day - you get a number of significant benefits:


-10% discount on all basic kits, and free provision of cold mineral water in the heat and hot tea in the cold to each participant.


-10% discount on all routes + increase in time and length of all routes by + 10%. Total freebies by as much as 20%.


Free provision of benches / tables to organize a barbecue area, even during a downpour in the roof.
In this case, the company is divided into several groups, and while some cut into paintball, others chase on quadrics, and some are engaged in barbecues. And then everyone changes, so that everyone gets unforgettable emotions from each activity and a sea of ​​memories for the future.

Gift certificates

We offer gift certificates for ATVs or for a certain amount of money, or for basic kits for a certain number of participants. Like they don't pay extra for anything. You can throw a certificate for 2600 UAH, or for example for 2 participants on the red route. Or any certificate you just don't want.
And, and the main joke. Certificates have no expiration date limit. All our competitors will offer you a certificate, which in a month, or at best - in six months will burn. Can you imagine? In our opinion, this is unfair, and therefore we have waived the time limits of our gift certificates in general. That is, you can use our certificates the day after its purchase, and you can in 5 years. Because we really love and respect our customers, not treat them as a statistical source of cash.
And we will beautifully pack the certificate for you in a gift box. And by the way, you do not pay extra for the certificate. Like everyone else. Buying a certificate from us, you pay purely for the services. Yes, we are better, thank you).

Universal certificates!

We decided not to dwell on the usual certificates, and launched more universal. This is when you do not know whether the person (whom you will greet) will get ATVs, and you can insure yourself with a universal certificate. Which can be used on both ATVs and paintball!
You can give a certificate for example for 1600 UAH, which can be used for a green route on ATVs for two people, or for basic kits for 4 people on paintball. Either the certificate for 2600 UAH can be activated on quadrics on the red track for two, or on basic paintball sets for 6 fighters. Really Wow?
And by the way, these certificates also do not have a definite validity period, and buying them you also do not overpay a penny more than the cost of the ordered service!